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She is caring, easy to talk to and wears a smile pretty damn good.
Values, eyes, and good looks.
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Intelligence, obedience and his sexiest voice.
I found her intriguing, mysterious, and irresistible.
1. Her sense of humour
2. Her relaxed and comforting personality
3. Her wonderful smile
2. Her relaxed and comforting personality
3. Her wonderful smile
His laugh, taste in music, his smile
She is considerate for others, always compassionate, always putting herself in the shoes of the other person.
She is also passionate. When she puts her mind on something, she does it good. And she put her mind on me ... :P
She is not a precious/girly girl and I really like that. She is a good mix between the sexy, pretty girlfriend and the girly and annoying one. I love her so.
I would add that she went through a lot in her life and the fact that she has come through it impresses me a lot.
She is also passionate. When she puts her mind on something, she does it good. And she put her mind on me ... :P
She is not a precious/girly girl and I really like that. She is a good mix between the sexy, pretty girlfriend and the girly and annoying one. I love her so.
I would add that she went through a lot in her life and the fact that she has come through it impresses me a lot.
Intelligent, honest and employee
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