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What do you do or talk about after sex?

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Food and ciggs
True true.
Female, 41-50 years, Dating, TX, US | May 15, 2012

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Breathe, freshen up, then coffee and on with our day

We cuddle and we talk about whatever comes to mind.

We clean up, snuggle, and talk about how great it was.

my snoring =)

Lots of deep breaths.. We always cuddle and talk and reminisce. It's always beautiful and memorable. I cherish those moments.

Wipe off :)

At first it's lots of snuggling and not a lot of talking but then we talk about anything and everything. From what we want for breakfast to what our kids might look like. He's not only an amazing lover, but my best friend as well.

I like talking about sex after sex. it usually ends up cuddling and sleep.

Depends if it is morning, afternoon or night. But I like to talk about how beautiful my wife is.


More sex

Usually we clean-up, then we cuddle up or watch a movie. Its really amazing just to be able to hold her close.

Just normal conversations.. I suppose it's cuz our sex is only cs

How good i'am (like a boss)
Bon prediction : dormir a tes cotés et te dire a quel poiny je t aime

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