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What small thing could you do today to show your partner that you love them?

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Answered by 770 users

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Tickle, dance, laugh, and jump around with her. Just have a good ol' day with her. Nothing like having a memorable day full of fun with my partner to show her i love her

He says I've already done more than enough, but I /could/ order him pizza again. :P

Answer these icebreakers truthfully. Lol

Nothing!! I show it everyday I'm on break today ..

A hug and a kiss

Put my needs aside and just love her without any expectation. Allowing her to be herself and explore who she is becoming. Accept myself and her as we are n not try to change us.

He's asleep but I'll love him all day tmrw (:

I really don't know hmmm I will have to think about that

Feed him. Lol

Get parts to fix the bathroom sink, and fix it.

Not nag him about anything but mainly his phone.

Dejarlo dormir
No enojarme por que se desvela
Female, 41-50 years, Domestically Partnered, JAL, MX | Nov 09, 2012

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Install this app and use it. ;)

A kiss

I could... hmm. Other than the normal stuff, lay down with her a bit when she goes to bed?

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