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When do you feel most like yourself?

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Anywhere as long as I am having fun

I feel most myself when I'm home from college hanging out with family, old friends, and my lovely girlfriend.

When I'm home & with my family.

At home, alone, no makeup

When I'm sitting beside her :)

When I'm in my room relaxing or viewing something appealing to the eye such as fashion or anything artsy and creative. Or maybe just reading a good book.

When we are out spending time or just hanging out. Very relaxed, playful and happy

With Jake in our new home!

I would have to say when I'm talking about hockey or architecture. I also feel myself when my g/f is around and have been trying to be myself more and more around everyone. I feel like I can do stupid things around her and she doesn't care or won't judge me.

8 inches from a computer screen

When I am with the man I love. I feel happy and free and that I can be absolutely myself.

Wen I'm alone

around my partner. That might be a cheesy response, but it's 100% true. I feel at home when he's around me, regardless of where we are and what we're doing. I feel safe with him always, and, even if we're in a fight, I feel I'm in the best place. I can be as goofy or as intelligent as I want to be around him.

When we are playing with the kids.

when im doing what i love. Being with Jeff and friends, dancing, music, laughing :-)

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