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Are you a saver or a spender? How about your partner?

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Answered by 952 users

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Spender!!!! My husband is a saver most of the time thank goodness.

Im both i save so i dont feel guilty when i spend
Hes a spender but hes learning to save

I'm more of a saver, I do spend but very wisely. He's more of a saver as well

I'm a Spender He's a saver

We both r savers

Spender, as for my honeybear... I'd say she's a better saver than I am. :)

I can be both but I'm more of a saver than him that's for sure!

I'm the saver. She is the spender

We both like to spend but know how to save :D

Yea, we're screwed. We're both spenders, but i think i may be the bigger spender. You know what kind of cars i want. =]

I'm a savor I can't stand blowing money but I will of I have to and I really don't no I would say he's a spender

I'm a spender and she both lol
Awww babyyy I didn't know u cried with The Notebook! 😘😘😘
Female, 31-35 years, Dating, CT, US | Jul 26, 2012

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50/50 really

Both, he is definitely a spender! Lol basically on me though!

I'm a spender, but if there's something I really want, I save up until I have enough for it~ I don't know about my partner though :o

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