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What’s your most important daily ritual?

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Answered by 1160 users

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Calling CJ every morning/night to say good morning/good night and that I love him :)

Dropping the duce

My face washing ritual. Sad but true.

Besides saying nightly prayers with my kiddo, my nightly wind-down period where I relax before going to sleep....which is usually spent thinking about someone special...

make sure to text her after i woke up, facetime for about three hours, and will update her on what will happen during the day. =)

2 Hours of counter strike,

Telling mi son goodmorning and i love him watchin the smile on his face telling mi fiancé and mom I love them it makes mi day can't go a day without it bc they are all I have left

Connecting with my family.

Cleaning out my vagina. Vinegar, mineral oil, and elbow grease will get it looking bristol.

Plus, it vibrates.

Prayer :)
Sad. Maybe you should put that time towards something not imaginary?
Male, 41-50 years, Dating, IL, US | Oct 13, 2012

I'm sorry you feel that way but eternity is a long time to be wrong....
Female, 31-35 years, Dating | Oct 13, 2012

Yeah. But we'll both be dead for the majority of it, so you might as well believe in your silly myths. I'm sure they are comforting for the brief time we have. Plus, they are a great excuse to justify hatred and violence, so quite handy to have in your back pocket.
Male, 41-50 years, Dating, IL, US | Oct 13, 2012

I pray that one day you find God in your heart so that you may have eternal life too...none of us deserve it but by his grace we are saved. God bless!
Female, 31-35 years, Dating | Oct 13, 2012

Precious. See you in hell.
Male, 41-50 years, Dating, IL, US | Oct 13, 2012

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My husband waking me up and making me breakfast

My wife's god mother said getting a coffee and bagel with vegetable Cream cheese.

Prayer towards Mecca 5x a day and masturbation onto the Quran.

...I thought about this
And it's not anything cute like the others x)
It's either washing my face or skyping
But I don't Skype every day x) so washing my face

I guess I'd have to say my ritual would be is thanking god for another day waking up for work

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