Van in het begin en nog steeds :-)
There has been many times that I have felt that love for my wife. Us slow stepping to stp live. When she takes up for me with confidence I felt love. When she said I do I knew I want the girl bymyside no matter what life brings and I would cherish and protect her for all my life I knew then and now than I love this woman
When I became somewhat jealous that she was talking to someone else. I knew then, that there was something deeper than a friendship.
When I realized that her happiness was the most important thing to me
I think the first time I went to visit him in New York. I traveled there by myself. Something I could never imagine myself doing, but knowing I was going to see him...i had this drive that I had never felt before. I knew it was love❤️
Around a month after we started talking in the phone, he was getting ready to get on a plane for a trip (I forgot where). Anywhoo, as he was getting off the phone to board the plane, I said goodbye, and there was this long pause. It felt like I really wanted to say "I love you," but it was too early. It was also the first time I really felt anything like that. I was super freaked out.
When I put on his ninja turtle T-shirt one morning and it made me smile because it reminded me of him.. Today when I thought about having to wash it and give it back.
2 days before our fifth monthly anniversary.. When we were at this Italian restaurant, i looked at his smile and fell my heart sank. Thought i was going to cry lol.
When I was down she came knocking at my door to save me
At Dante's on his first trip to visit me. I went into the bathroom and smacked my own face (seriously) to check if this was for real
Liefde op t eerste gezicht! Ben verkocht door zijn enthousiastme
When he took me on a trip to NC to meet his family. It was my first plane ride etc...
Uhmmm when his ex stole his phone and she started stalking me. All I wanted to do was be there for him with him love him.