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What's one of your favorite books, and why?

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Answered by 662 users

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Anna Karenina. It made me swoon even the second time I read it. It has everything; love, intrigue, society, perspective, romance, consequence, humanity and epic, epic passion.

i like james patterson books as it keeps you interested.

Tie between the Moviegoer (for its very sensitive treatment of religion and mental illness) and Islands in the Stream (for its vivid and almost painful beauty).

Harry Potter. Adventure in every page :P

Between Silk and Cyanide. It's non-fiction, and the author just has the most amazing humor as he tells the story of his role in the code way during WWII.

Harry Potter - because I belong at Hogwarts.

Books? What are they?
Maybe if you put down the toys and shiny things, you would remember?
Female, >50 years, Engaged, CA, US | Aug 29, 2011

I can read digital books on my shiny object ;)
Male, >50 years, Engaged, CA, US | Aug 29, 2011

Then let's read one... Peaceful Warrior is a really good one babe.
Female, >50 years, Engaged, CA, US | Aug 29, 2011

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"Rayuela" Julio Cortázar

Families and how to survive them, great companion + Dale Carnegie's How to...

Harry Potter, hands down. The story and characters alone are absolutely incredible - I can't even begin to describe how amazing - but I have also continually found solace, happiness, entertainment and excitement in the books, even after years and rereads. To me, the books are like an old friend that is always there for you.

L'encyclopedie du savoir relatif et absolu by Bernard Werber. A serie of eclectic and mind blowing facts about our world.

Hinds Feet In High Places. This book brought a lot of healing and it's beautifully written.

The Way of the Peaceful Warrior by Dan Millman because it is all about the lessons in life we can learn from and the ways to spin things in positive ways, examples we can take and a variety of positive life lessons. Best book in a long time and I read it again and again.
I would like to read this book. Wonder if its on Amazon...
Male, >50 years, Engaged, CA, US | Aug 19, 2011

I am sure it is, I got it at Copperfields and read it often. Worth the purchase.
Female, >50 years, Engaged, CA, US | Aug 19, 2011

Or you could borrow mine now that it is in the same house as you? :)
Female, >50 years, Engaged, CA, US | Aug 29, 2011

sounds like a plan
Male, >50 years, Engaged, CA, US | Aug 29, 2011

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I can't explain why, but one of my favorite books in the Summer Tree.

the ordinary princess.. makes me hope

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