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What's the one argument your parents had that you would try to avoid with your partner?

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Answered by 630 users

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I don't remember my parents arguing....

I try not to argue over things that won't last tomorrow but some things we do is simple to us but huge to the other person in at times what's little to her is huge to me n vice versa but I rather win the war then a battle

Arguments are healthy... Just don't want them too often!


Money lol

Arguments with the family making people upset I try so hard to avoid Doing that

Quarreling abt really trivial stuff daily

The name calling!

Arguments over money.

Not sure my parents have passes on.

That because what I do now is gonna make be "a certain person in the future" anyone can change and it's never to late.


Financial Issues. Jeez, that turned into a heated argument. Always does.

My parents never argued in front of me. But an issue in there marriage was my dads lack of involvement with anything but work. I know that my man has a strong desire to be involved in family.

The drinking both my parents are Alcholics. My man doesn't drink I'm in recovery so I'd say that I will not put my children through what I had to deal with growing up.

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