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Answered by 1662 users

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Will boots give me a summer placement

Am I making a good investment?

Do I want to quit my job or stick with it a few more years

Am I really making her happy and will she always be happy with me ;say I am her ideal man?

Should I introduce my girlfriend to my wife in the hopes that it will lead to a threesome?

What's coming, and what's real? When things are back to normal, is that really how they'll be? When will those days return? Does normal even exist anymore?

Will I ever make money again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Are we really ready for a little one? Even though we would be great parents, it's still a little scary especially if we don't see eye to eye on everything when it comes to disciplining a child. I'm too excited though!!! The planning is going great!! He will be the best FATHER EVER!!!

How are we going to get through this?

When will the rut end? Why do I still feel the same.

When will I make my first million

Am I wrong for hating that he has a female co-worker "best" friend that he talks to about everything including sex (personal details of each of their sex lives) and her getting a nipple ring? Should it bother me and make me as angry as it does?
Yes, Did u know about this before or after u got with him. If u knew prior to ur relationship than u accepted that when u accepted him but if u did not know then tell him how u feel. Chances are if your relationship is at a serious place and he cares for u he will consider your feelings but if ur just dating and having a good time he will probably choose his best friend over u. He will only choose u over bestfriend if he feels that u too have something more special than what he has with his bestfriend. I know from experience, my bestfriend was a male and every girl he got with and every guy I got with was intimidated by our friendship. we did date other people but eventually married each other. keep ur heart guarded and know where u stand with him. Don't overlook anything, trust your instincts and know what you want and deserve and that's what u go after. Set your standards high, if u want to date somebody not willing to make a sacrifice to make ur feelings count, then move on.
Female, 41-50 years, Married | Mar 21, 2013

We've been married for 14 years. They only met less than 2 years ago. We argue about it all the time. I can't understand how a "friend" is worth fighting with your spouse so often.
Male or Female, 26-30 years, Dating | Mar 21, 2013

Oh I thought u were just dating. Your status said dating. In marriage that's a big No No. Nobody is suppose to enter into the covenant u made with each other. He is giving that female the green light to enter into a covenant that is only between u too.
Female, 41-50 years, Married | Mar 21, 2013

He is opening up a door that should not be opened and its disrespectful to your marriage on his part and hers. Somewhere along the lines you and him had a disconnect. Go back a few years ago and see if u can find any reason or explanation as to why this door could have been opened. For example: communication issues, financial issues, intimacy issues etc. The next time u talk to him make sure the timing is right as well as your tone. Stress to him in a calm way that it hurts you and makes u feel Angry. Tell him how it can hurt the marriage by letting this go on. Ask him if u did anything to cause this and see what he says. Ask him would it be fair if the situation was turned around and u had a male best-friend.
Female, 41-50 years, Married | Mar 21, 2013

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Where do I start?

When is this transition over

When will my parents accept us?

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