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What's your favorite part of the work day, and how frequently do you talk to your partner while you or they are at work?

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Answered by 241 users

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Coming home to the family. We chat via text.

I like when I hear from him.... randomly and for no particular reason other than he was thinking of me. I like that we communicate often as it helps re-affirm that he is present with me always....

The sex is the best part, hangover is the worst, and we don't really talk to anyone else during our workday lol
Jk. Sex is great, but the moments that you realize how lucky you are to even be sitting in the same room the room with him are the best
Male, 31-35 years, Engaged, Gay, FL, US | Sep 15, 2013

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Favorite part is lunch time haha, that's when I break my fast. We talk whenever we are free, just a message here and there over FB chat.

favorite part is when i leave, sadly i don't talk to her at all unless i'm working late and then it's just to tell her good night.

making a latte around 10am and I try hard not to bother my husband during the day but occasionally I will check in or ask him for help.

when I am leaving and finally heading home to my baby. usually over lunch

good question! yeah i like it when he was going out hes vacant, sometimes he went out to buy his lunch, thats the time he calls me, and i remember he called me also because hes so bored at work, i really like it, it feels though he always miss me, my favorite part was calling me on way his home. feels were together driving home, id love that. i miss him so much

My favorite part of the workday is when I see my husband in the hallway, in between his clients. It takes my mind away from my stressful day; for that brief moment, I can think about life outside of work and smile.

I loved when he would check on me. I smile every time. I love hearing his car driving by and pulling into the garage.. my favorite sound ever

A few sweet texts so he knows I'm thinking about him

Homework or hangovers are the worst. Best is when I can just relax

I do enjoy when I'm able to make a difference at work. We communicate fairly often over different mediums. I think it's healthy to check in with your partner. Adds to our closeness

My favorite part of my workday is when I get first get to work and it's quiet. I then go get my coffee. I talked to Brian via text a lot throughout the day probably once an hour or so.

My favorite part of the work day is quiting time and getting home and letting my babies out. I try to call and txt religiously though out the day.She is always to busy with it or... Sigh.... No reply.

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