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What's something your partner does that always brings a smile to your face?

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I just pointed this out to him today: when he gets really excited about something, he sort of presses his knuckles together just under his mouth. It's so cute. Also the millions of other wonderful things that make him who he is.

He makes me laugh all the time!

Well there are numerous if things but I love the good morning, good afternoon, good night text/calls!

Hugs kisses.

Everyday, Him being him makes me smile... I really like the surprise little kisses on my neck... Guaranteed to bring a smile every time.

I always smile when she gets excited about her fandoms. and I smile at a bajillion other things too.

It's the little things.

She walks into the room.

Tells me he loves me..

She laughs at my quirky dumb jokes

Shows me his silly goofy side that no one else gets to see.

There are soooo many things, so many :) he is just such a good boyfriend, always so lovely and understanding of me, makes such an effort to make me feel special and I know really tries to make me happy. Just all the little things that he does to try and make me have a nice time, like bring me a coffee in bed or make me dinner or breakfast, planning things for us to do or surprising me :) He is very thoughtful and sweet, and I know I am so lucky. I must admit though, I can't help but laugh when h
he trolls me - I know he must think he is so adorable that he can get away with anything hah :) too gorgeous :) xox
Female, 36-40 years, Dating, NSW, AU | Oct 24, 2012

but i always give you kisses after :D
Male, 36-40 years, Dating, QLD, AU | Oct 25, 2012

you make me smile with everything you do. i think it is your most beautiful, kind and loving manner that applies to everything. i always thought you were great but i never imagined i could be this lucky. your always so fun to be around and i really like how much we enjoy each others company. sometimes i find myself smiling when i think about how happy i am to have you.
Male, 36-40 years, Dating, QLD, AU | Oct 28, 2012

Dear you are just the the most beautiful person. I love that we have such good times together :) I don't think I could ever have a boring moment with you, just being around you makes everything more fun. We have so many good memories now and I love to think back on them and how you have been so important in my life in the last couple of years. I would never have thought I could know anybody and think of them the way I do you, you are just all the best things in one person :) and yes you do always give me kisses after :D >>> luckiest girl ever xoox
Female, 36-40 years, Dating, NSW, AU | Oct 29, 2012

:D i know iv said it already but i am so happy to have you xoxo
Male, 36-40 years, Dating, QLD, AU | Oct 29, 2012

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When my husband try's

When he puts his hand on my face when he kisses me or plays with my hair. Tells me I looks nice today.

he calls me boobear in a really cute voice, and hes a complete weirdo all the time :)

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