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Window seat or aisle?

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Answered by 1552 users

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aisle seat

Neither! I sit in the middle (if that's an option). I feel like it's the safest option, even though that probably isn't true. Last time I was on a plane I was stuck between a really old couple that kept asking me to hold their coke, though.
Omg you would Just last time I was on a plane I thought "does anyone ever actually pick middle? Who would want to sit there?" Haha
Male, 31-35 years, Dating, Bi | Mar 11, 2013

Haha thaaaaanks
Male, 26-30 years, Dating, Bi, CA, US | Mar 11, 2013

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Window next to him;*

I definitely love the window seat, but I do give it up for you so you can see all the views.

Windoow :D

Window! I have to be able to see the view. But I'm willing to give it up for my baby, who's never flown before.

My baby gave the best answer in the universe to this - Im window, he's aisle. 💘


Window. I love looking out the window c:

Doesn't really matter cause if I sit in either and I'm not driving I fall asleep. I'd give the window seat to my boo cause she loves new scenery




Have to have a window seat!

I'm not afraid of flying but I am afraid of small spaces and if I look out the window I can forget I'm in a tiny plane

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