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How long is it since you gave your partner a present for no reason?

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Answered by 1262 users

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I give him presents all the time
Like 5 days ago :)
Male or Female, 26-30 years, Dating | Jul 05, 2012

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If surprise iced coffee counts then it's been less than a week lol.

Two days ago I bought her two DVDs 👙
And she's going to watch one tonight. ❤❤
Female, >50 years, Married | Jul 06, 2012

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If putting gas in her car works then less then a week!!

I bought him shoes earlier this year for no reason

Its been too long. the last time was peanut m&ms from the healt food store about two months ago

Flowers just a few days ago- nothing extravagant, but it's important to me that she knows I'm thinking of her.

6 months to a year

1 month ago... Too long

a few months ago, when I visited him at work and surprised him with a packaged bbq pork and rice lunch. It's been a while - thanks for reminding me, icebreak!

I do this quite regularly. I like getting him gifts but I dont know if he really apprecaites or cares for it.

3 months ago

Last week for her post surgery suffering. And then I gave her the best present, me
You are the best present, now come back
Female, 36-40 years, Dating, WA, US | Jul 05, 2012

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I guess I haven't bought her anything in a while.

Last week?
cant remember..but will soon (twink)
Male, 41-50 years, Dating | Jul 05, 2012

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