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What is one thing for which you would like to apologize to your partner?

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Answered by 317 users

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For everything we went through last spring

For being offensive and aggressive with her and not treating her how she deserves

I am so very sorry for how busy I am! I don't have as much time for us these days but I truly am trying! I appreciate you and everything you do!

For being extremely stubborn, uncontrollable and extremely mean at times!!!

Sorry for every bit of heartache I put you through. I caused a lot of it with moodiness and stupidity and all I can do is try to make it up to you now and move forward. I want the best for us, for now, later, and always. I love you.

talking too much about stupid things like perfumes :D

This mess we are in right now

I'm sorry do everything that we put behind us. I made mistakes and said mean things. I haven't been the nicest person through our relationship. I've said and done some pretty awful things. But I always tried to make up for it somehow.
You're the love of my life. I want to always be there for you. To be the one you turn to for emotional support I want to pick you up when you're down. To hold you when you need it. To make you laugh when you need it. To see the world at your side

For almost giving up on us

For being aggressive and interrupting him

I am sorry that our communicationwas so skewed that you receivedadvice from strangersthat had no clue what the real you was like

Sorry for being bitchy all the time. Sorry for always being so critical and negative. Sorry I can't let go of the past. Sorry I'm depressed and Bi-polar. Sorry I never want to leave the house. Sorry I just don't care enough about life at the moment.

That I fell asleep last night & didn't call...

For being tooannoying at times and "лигав"

I would like to apologize for my poor memory and forgetfulness...also biting my nails...she hates it but i cant stop!

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