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Do you prefer to read fiction or non-fiction? Why?

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Answered by 621 users

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I prefer fiction, especially historical fiction. I just think it's easier to use your imagination and get into the book.

non - im a realist

I love books that help you in life

Fiction! Stephen King is my favorite author. Recently I've also enjoyed some self help books.

Both. I love facts but I also love falling into a good love story.

I like non fiction because i find it more interesting knowing it actually happened.

Fiction.... it is an escape from reality.

Non fiction like story's that could never possibly happen

Fiction I'm a fantastic dreamer whenever i want to be and I love fantasies and imaginations but I'm realistic in real life and like non fiction too

Non fiction since I like to relate to real histories :)

Both, I love to read and I would never want to limit myself and miss out on a great book

I like both. I love to learn, so nonfiction suits me, but I don't mind getting lost in imagination.

Both I love to read! But a majority of my bookshelf is fiction.

Don't read much but probably non fiction


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