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How would you describe how your partner smells?

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Answered by 1506 users

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smells dispreoccupied nothing takes his peace away

Like walking in a open field and the flowers let off a slight hint of sweet, yet subtle, beauty.

Delicious 😜
Dinner is served! Lol
Male or Female, 26-30 years, Dating | Mar 12, 2016

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Amazing! Love the way she smells!

AAAAA delicious

eins og Garnier hárolían sem þú notar ekki einu sinni lengur

huele a él. es agradable, me gusta hasta cuando no se ha bañado en dias. lo describiria como calido
me gusta como huele, creo que tiene un olor aceitoso.
Male, 21-25 years, Married | May 13, 2019

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Manly but fresh and comforting

He smells so good. His natural smell is subtle, warm, and manly. When he wears his cologne he smells sexy and super irresistible. I like both smells.

Mm mm.... Hay veces que su aroma me fascina...y otras que ni lo noto...creo que depende de la loción que use, usa distintas, en cuanto a su aroma natural me agrada, es suave, aunque no me atrae... Pero me resulta curioso, su aroma no es muy varonil...

Me encanta

Warm, primal, lusty. Safe; like home, only wilder.

She smells so fresh, clean, and yummy 😏

I'd say it is a mix of sweet and flowery due to the perfume and spicy and a little bitter from her own smell. A incredibly good mix :P

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