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What's your favorite season? Your least favorite? Why?

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Answered by 864 users

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Late fall/early winter is my favorite. From October to December. I love Christmas, football, cooler weather, and holidays with family and friends!

Least favorite is August. Super hot, no sports, back to school, and no days off!

Summer & Fall(can't decide between the two) bc Ima summer baby so I love summer stuff like lake days and tanning and ice cream dates but I also love Fall bc Halloween and pumpkin carving and fall fashion. My least favorite is spring bc I never know how to dress bc it's too chilly to wear skirts (for me anyways) but too warm to wear pants so I'm just like ?!?!?! Lol plus too much rain

spring and autumn is the best, winter is the worst

I love winter because Christmas and blankies. I hate summer because bugs.

mi temporada favorita es la de otoño, amo ese equilibrio que hay en la naturaleza, y me siento mas relajada... amo tambien las festividades del dia de muertos jeje noviembre es mi mes preferido,
la que menos me gusta es primavera y verano... odio el calor, y no hay nada que festejar de interesante... el invierno me agrada, me agradan sus festividades tambien, pero no he tenido buenos recuerdos aun de eso

I love autumn and spring. Nature slowing down and changing shape in autumn, the rebirth during spring. It is fantastic to me. And the climate during these seasons is just right : not to hot, not to cold either and I don't mind the rain anyway. I don't really like summer. It depends what you call summer but when the temperature rises too much, when you are dying of heat and every holiday place is over crowded because it is summer and therefore holiday season. I prefer September kind of summer.

Spring not too hot not too cold

Winter. Summer.
Temperature. =P

Fall because of the colors but otherwise the holiday season

I love Fall. The leaves changing, the nice cool weather, the cute sweaters, and of course Halloween! I don't like Summer when it is above 75 degrees.

My favorites would be spring, summer, and fall. I lived in Wisconsin for a number of years and it was mostly cold there so fuck you, winter, you can suck a dick! (Ted reference)

Fall! The leaves changing, the cool weather, fun activities. I hate summer. Too damn hot.

Minha estação favorita é o verão pois podemos usar pouca roupa usar roupas sexy se divertir muito mais! Não gosto muito do inverno a gente sai bem pouco por causa dos dias frios

Favorite- summer. The sense of freedom.

I don't have a least favorite.

Favorite has to be summer; break, warm weather, and the beach..least favorite (bc I like all of them) idk haha

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