Honestly, I feel like porn is degrading. Watching it alone always feels a bit like having a virtual affair. It messes with my head, establishes unrealistic expectations for sex, and generally cheapens the idea of sex by removing the commitment.
So I try to avoid it. Sex is an element of intimacy, but porn reduces intimacy to sex.
Besides, my wife is crazy hot and sexy and all that I need!
The truth from a mans perspective it is explained simply in Romans 3:23 All have sinned and fallen short of the the glory of God. I won't say that I haven't fallen short but Gods grace is redeeming an allows me to view my girlfriend through a pure perspective instead of a lustful one. Because I want our relationship to be holy. So in conclusion my answer to this question NO, but I have had weak moments, and NO that will never be a part of our relationship.
Yes without and never with. She's "too shy" to watch it with me
I don't watch it really, but I'd definitely watch it with him
no. neither nor. my husband lied at me the past 3.5 years and it wrecked our marriage. i cannot fix it this time, and i feel very sorry about it. it is less the watching but the lying about it. everything i loved, i worked on, i hoped is gone. so no. pornography can be very harmful. it makes people cheating and sometimes it produces addiction, as in our case. i wish people could learn self regulation. and stopp thinking only "now" and feeling sorry for their acting later.
No. I can honestly say nothing turns me on but her. She's too damn sexy
I normally watch it alone, but we've viewed it together a couple times. Porn isn't a taboo in our house.
I do watch porn alone. Find it to be a release valve for pent up lust. We have talked about watching it together, but never have. I really think that's because we have so many other things that we want to do together that we just have not gotten around to it.
I don't really "watch" it per say. But wee talked about watching one together before. A sort of "Simon says" actively.
No, you don't need porn when you have something as good as what I have got.
Without Yes... With Yes.... Why Without cause she isn't around to watch it with...Why with cause we both like to laugh and sometimes very rarely she actually gets turned on and wants to do what she just saw...
No I do not watch porn with my partner. It is far more stimulating to me than her. I feel as though the majority of women are entertained solely as critiques while watching porn.
I don't watch porn because the effects it can have on me and my partner. It's sin and takes us further from god. We also have a better sex life when I don't.
But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart. (Matt 5:28 NIV). I don't want to be caught up in a lust relationship with my man, but a love. So no to both. The marriage bed will be great once we are married, but if we don't upheld and respect one another, and do things in the right way... It Will only cause pain, hurt, rejection, sorrow, guilt, and shame in the long run. The consequences are NOT worth a moment of "satisfaction".