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What political leader do you most admire? Why?

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Answered by 770 users

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John Lewis...he's a walking encyclopedia of the Civil Rights Movement and an amazing leader and hero in American History.

I'm not really to into politics

Obama mama. Needs to be politically correct but goes against advisers to get things done ie universal health care

Lincoln. He showed more moral and physical courage than anyone else I've studied in history.

Bill Clinton

I can't really admire any political leaders, they tend to screw us over too much.

Margaret Thatcher. She was an inspired leader and did many amazing things for the UK and the world

Really none of them


I don't think I was alive when there was one that I could admire. =/

Ronald Reagan. His economic policies set up the roaring economy of the 90s and he won the Cold War. I think he was a true patriot and more honest than a lot. Definitely more so than the current mess we have.

Politics suck

Winston Churchill

Abraham Lincoln, he wasn't perfect but he genuinely cared about keeping our country together.

Probably Winston Churchill. Such a great leader during truly trying times.

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