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How comfortable are you being brutally honest with your partner?

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Answered by 653 users

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No muy bien. Mi novia es muy sensible y tiende a molestarse con facilidad, por lo que siempre pienso cada una de las cosas que voy a decirle. Lamentablemente, a veces no puedo ser lo honesto que espero por temor a que las cosas se vayan a poner peor.

A lot more comfortable than I used to be. Throughout our relationship, I've come to these points where I feel I need to say something important, but I'm nervous to do so. So I used to pretend like everything is and then breakdown. But more recently, I realize I can share anything with Erica, because she's so supportive and respectful of my feelings, and only wants the best for me.

Yes. I think being honest is good in a relationship. I'm trying to cut down on the brutal part.

I am being honest with her all the time, but instead of being brutally honest, i would rather make suggestions about it than being "brutal". Words hurt too. 6 out of 10

I'm comfortable being honest. I don't think I'm brutal about it

More and more I am getting comfortable with being brutally honest. I think that it is good to. It hurts sometimes, but in the end it brings us closer together.

Pretty comfortable

La verdad muchas veces es incómodo.
Ahora, por el bien de esta relación, trato de buscar las mejores palabras para hacerle saber lo que pienso. Ambos somos sensibles, quizás él un poco más que yo, y lo menos que quiero es herirlo con mi forma de decir las cosas,ya ha pasado en otras ocasiones y trabajo en evitarlo.

I'm comfortable to be honest in relation because honesty is the base for that relation.

It depends on the situation. I think there's a way to phrase everything to make it kind. it's not always easy being brutally honest.

I am very honest with him. Not in a mean way (I hope) but I also dont sugar coat. I tell him the exact problem so that we can solve them as soon as possible.

I tend to be brutally honest, to say as it goes everything that is on my mind. But now, I am trying to cut down a bit on brutality and learn diplomacy. It is a hard thing for me, but I think I am learning.

He has all my secrets and I have all of his safe.

Gotta be honest. Maybe not brutally, but definitely gotta tell the truth

Oh, brutally. If there's a booger hanging from his nose, gotta let a nigga know.

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