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What's the biggest question you are asking yourself these days?

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Um questions !! Really statements that I said ..I'm happy to have someone special like him

Can I fall back in love with my husband.
Yes!! It is possible after even the most serious problems, I'm experiencing it now !!! It's weird, but it does happen!!!
Female, 36-40 years, Married | May 24, 2012

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How can I reassure her that she is beautiful and so special? Make her more secure with me and know that I love her with all my heart. How I can provide for her and be home with her every night.
Female, 41-50 years, Dating, NY, US | May 24, 2012

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What will I be when I grow up? What can I do to make myself and my house better for my husband and my daughters?

I'd tell ya but I'd hafta kill ya.

Am I really the best girlfriend I can be? Am I thinking too much?

Why am I still here when he treats me like shit??

Is this relationship really goin to work with the distance getting in the way?

Can I please just win the lottery

When can we find time for just US??!!! Without 4 kids or his mother bothering us or his work needing him. We NEED special time together ALONE and as often as possible!!! With a babysitter we can TRUST and without the older kids hurrying us home because they're "exhausted" from watching the baby for an hour. We take what we can get, tho. It's not enough. :(

am I following my ways to help myself or God's ways?

He> Can I eat this?
She> When are we having sex?
Male or Female, 26-30 years, Dating | May 20, 2012

Female, 36-40 years, Married | May 24, 2012

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Wtf am I doing?

Do others see me as fat and ugly?
Never mind what others think - how do you feel?
Female, >50 years, Dating | May 18, 2012

I agree !!
Female, 36-40 years, Married | May 24, 2012

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Am i good enough?

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