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Answered by 1662 users

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What exactly is going wrong?

What's the best next step for me and my kids ... where do we go from here?

Am I working too much?

I wonder sometimes if I wouldn't be better off alone, not making collateral damage out of others with all my baggage.
I call shenanigans
Male, 41-50 years, Dating, CO, US | May 24, 2012

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Ummm how I am gonna provide 4 my son

What have I done today to show my love?

I ask myself everyday how can I be a better husband... What can I improve upon myself.

Why didn't we just elope?

I wonder if our relationship will go back to the way it was.

What business are we going to start ?

If this will really workout and if our future together is a possibility

When is the next time I can hold her close
As soon as possible<3
Female, 31-35 years, Dating | May 24, 2012

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Romance- romance means you have a connection, not just a physical attraction that means nothing.

If me n my bf r ment to be

Why must I be such a fool? :( how can I hurt the one I love so much?

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