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Is it healthy to keep secrets from your partner?

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Answered by 3384 users

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No tenemos secretos, al menos yo

no secrets are not healthy

Yes and no. Yes if it's something that that's really personal and won't affect your relationship in any way. Now if you kept a secret like you cheated, and they found out by some other means, then that's a breach of trust, it's sometimes better to just tell the truth no matter the outcome. It shows integrity and honesty.
Agreed. If it's something that would affect our relationship, the truth is always the best. Honesty builds trust.
Female, >50 years, Dating | Sep 05, 2017

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just in case it doesn't have to do with the relationship and it is something very personal (for example about family or something that can damage the relationship and it doesn0t worth telling)

No, speaking from experience. I now know here isn't anything I couldn't tell him.

No could be detrimental to the relationship

No pero hay ocasiones que no debes contar todo


No, no lo es.


Only not important ones, nothing that's could damage the relationship

Pues secretos no pero no se tiene que saberlo todo

Si, siempre que el diga que no lo quiere contar tengo que respetar

No... it is not... communication is vital!

Only if your partner is a human lie detector, and can sniff your bologna as it comes out of her cake hole.

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