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Answered by 428 users

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Remember to be strong when i cant

He snuggles against me

She says gm to me every morning no matter where I am and the same with gn and if we are apart we have FaceTime dates when she miss me

When it's mentioned Esp to others

Holds me and tells me she wants to spend the rest of her life with me.

Holds me when he's sleeping

Helping me realize and doing things that I wouldn't do for myself or people otherwise.

It's very rare but when he tells me. Sometimes I need feedback.
Im the one that usually tells him often that I love and appreciate him or I leave little incentives for him

Gives me that look <3

He makes me feel appreciated all the time. He thanks me and he appreciates the things I do for him, which, in turn, makes me feel appreciated.

just by putting up with me

I love when I hear from others how she compliments me. Or when she brags about me. Or the little things like holding hands, lotioning my hands, holding my arm to be close, all the small things. I love it!

He pays attention...

When she tells me how she feels

Tells me she loves me.

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