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If you weren't in the career that you are now, what would be your dream career and why?

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Answered by 716 users

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I love to write, so I hope to someday write songs, movies scripts, etc... Anything I can imagine!


Wedding/event planner. I love parties and happy, in love peole so this would combine the two.

Music Business (not singing/playing but behind the scenes type work)

Probably working for the travel channel. I LIVE to travel. I want to go to culinary school and own a few restaurants. I love experiencing different cultures and interacting with the locals. I just love every aspect of what they do on the travel channel.

Working with inner city youth

A dentist, because they get paid a lot

My dream career would be working with technology, like the ideas that result in innovations and testing out new tech and tweaking it to constantly bump it up a notch. Put it in high gear and see how fast we can make it. Reduce fragmentation increase memory and ports, increase battery life and increase ways to easily get more power to that device. I would just die to be part of tech innovations.

I really enjoy Network Marketing, but I'm a bit insecure about the industry because I like to know everything about a profession and there is so much to learn (little tricks to succeed). However, I enjoy the freedom and control that the industry offers. I want to be the best at what I do and sometimes that is causes me to doubt myself.

would have loved to be a pro athlete. football or tennis. love the games and live the idea of competing on big stage
Interesting, never would have guessed it...
Female, 41-50 years, Dating, GA, US | Dec 06, 2012

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Pediatrician or a dentist


Performer. I love being on stafe

Saving at risk kids

Restauranteur because of the forethought necessary to design an experience and the demand to deliver service in the moment.

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