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If you weren't in the career that you are now, what would be your dream career and why?

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Answered by 716 users

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musician. cuz music rocks my socks off bro

Ahh id love to be a police officer , different thing everyday satisfaction of helping people keeping fit yes not your regular job ahh and the highway patrol cars

No idea

Lawyer so that I could help all those that have been cheated by the sytem

Time mom and wife <3

I would love to be an agent. Connecting people via their talent to others who required their skill. I would love to travel the world doing this.

Not sure! Maybe a motivational speaker?

Football Coach.....or porn star.

If I wasn't going to school for anthropology, I'd probably be studying ecology instead.

I love my job

I'm a student, but if I weren't on track to become a translator, I would want a career in fashion. Either as a designer or a stylist.

Animals, helping, healing, showing them kindness and love, giving them a new chance at life and freedom.. That would be amazing

Successful author! I love writing stories. I'm going to fulfill that dream anyway even if I didn't take courses that come with that.

Controlling alternative energy projects in Africa somewhere

My dream job is pr living in a huge city

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