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Do you believe in fate, or do you believe you create your own destiny?

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Answered by 980 users

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I create my own destiny via personal responsibility. I always say best of skill for no luck is necessary.

Both. Some things are meant to be but I always am in control

Both, but with more control.

I believe in both. Things will happen that we can't control but how we react to it is up to us. Fate tries to push us a certain a certain way but we decide our destiny create our own path.

We created our own destiny

I believe in fate. But u can creat ur own destiny if u know what u want

I believe in both.

I think god has a plan and it all works out when we trust him and turn things over to hin

i believe in fate

I believe in fate. But it's your life & your own destiny. :) anything is possible.
I believe that our destiny we choose is the same steps god had planned for our fate. Everything happens for a reason.
Female, 36-40 years, Engaged, Gay | Nov 08, 2012

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I believe you create your own destiny.

There is a finite number of things you can control. I believe there are things you must go through in life to experience the journey God has created for you to travel

Create own destiny

Kinda both not sure though

i believe in both

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