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How do you handle conflict in your relationship?

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Cry. Conflict is uncomfortable.

We don't!

We usually talk it out. Usually lol

We approach our problems head on and talk about everything that upsets us. Maybe not always in the best ways but we are open and honest

We seem to just talk it out. I love it. I hope we can always do that. I hope we always handle conflict with each other with respect and kindness. Even if we are upset. I hope we always assume the best in each other.

By being bitchy until I get my way or he backs off, then feeling bad about it later.

Talk about it. I always try to force her into talking when she is sad/mad because I think it is the only way to solve conflict which is sound.

lol. I turn off my phone and try to go to sleep? 😎🔫 😆 We don't really have conflicts but if I'm upset I generally let things play themselves out before assessing my feelings and speaking.

We FaceTime and talk. I try to bring up all the questions and issues on my mind. I always ask if there are any questions or concerns with my partner. It should be an open floor to bring up any hesitations and talk about them. Sometimes we need a breather and revisit this issues after having more time to think. Communication is key!

Talking :) even if it is hard at first

I hire god as my therapist, and me and my soulmate talk it out with him. He charges a lot of money for his services, the capitalist pig.

I try to talk through it and solve it at the moment.

Don't hide it. Talk about what's bothering each other and lay it all out. And never, NEVER go to bed angry. You mean way too much to me if I'm dating you to go to sleep upset. If it's that bad, we will talk it out. I'm very blunt, I need someone who is the same too.

I usually try to deal with it head on. However, if something continues then I tend to keep what I'm feeling to myself. I believe that when people care and take what you said/how you feel to heart then they at least try to stick to whatever the compromise was. If they continue to do that same old crap though then that tells me that they don't care and why waste my energy and emotion if it isn't going to matter? --- I'm working on developing better skills to deal with these kinds of situations.

We talk it out always. Even if one of us doesn't want to talk about it at the moment it'll come out and we talk it through.

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