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What’s your most important daily ritual?

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The "good night" and "good morning" kisses. Those first and last moments of the day set the tone and mood for the rest of the day. So, have a kiss, and make them moments filled with love.

Morning kiss and in bed mad or not

Giving my son a bath

Being with my love 😍

For myself, praying three times a day. It's important to get all Allahu Akbar, right?

For us, saying Shabz every night, especially when he's away.

Saying good morning to my fam!

Praying, making sure my husband knows he is loved and my kids know they are cherished

Waking up handsome, wishing him a good day, kiss goodbye... Then I go back to sleep.

My morning poop ;)

At the end of the night, getting under the blankets and cuddling with Kayla until we fall asleep.

Saying goodnight to him if I'm not with him.

Waking up and falling asleep next to my husband. Good night and good morning kisses. Simple little things we do for one another each day. I make his lunch, he lotions me. Etc.

Today it is kissing my baby by when I leave in the morning and when I get home at night. Haven't been able to do that on a regular basis since we meet because of my job. Now my precious wife is with me always and yet another dream comes true.

Thanking God for another day and the many blessings I have in my life.

My old ritual was to wake up and go straight to my knees and talk to God. It's been a while, but that's changing once again. For my family and my marriage, and my walk, it's a must!

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