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In a conflict or argument, do you prefer to resolve it now or resolve it later?

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Answered by 743 users

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Right now!

Resolve it now, but I don't think we've had an actual argument.

Resolve it now
There won't be any conflicts!
Male or Female, 26-30 years, Dating | Mar 05, 2016

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I prefer to resolve now. I will ask questions to find out what is happening even when my partner tries to close up herself.

Now, otherwise it just worries me and stresses me out

Depends how bad it is. Normally I like to resolve it right then or close to it but if I'm really hurt it may take some time to cool down.

Depending on the tone and state of mind that we are in, if there is no alcohol involved or heavy emotion, I think that the best time is right then and there. On the other hand if either one of us is in an overly emotional state of mind, or I f there is alcohol involved, I would prefer to discuss the issue the following day, or when things cool off so that the both of us are in the right state of mind to come to a resolution.
Perfectly put! I agree 🙌🏼
Female, 36-40 years, Dating | Mar 13, 2016

Because you you're awesome. 😜
Male or Female, 26-30 years, Dating | Mar 13, 2016

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You definitely know this about me. I'm pretty sure your answer would be later because you would prefer time to think about it?
If it is a conflict or argument, I prefer to figure it out sooner rather than later. If it is a touchy feely subject, I prefer to think.
Male or Female, 26-30 years, Dating | Jan 06, 2016

Makes sense. Good. We're in the same page then.
Female, 31-35 years, Dating | Jan 06, 2016

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Right away! Why let it brew?

depending, normally I prefer resolve later because I need Think before to talk

Resolve it asap, so you aren't bottling up anger and spite. I think it's important to communicate things when they come up because we may be a team, but we still are separate people and have our own needs. It's ok to vocalize those needs and even frustrations in order to grow and be productive the next time around. I'm a fixer.

Ideal resolve it now but I know i am hard headed so later lol

Resolve it now

Why later? What's the benefit of it?
Male or Female, 26-30 years, Dating | Sep 27, 2016

You can cool down and reflexionate about what happened. So you angryness is gone and you can express yourself better.
Male or Female, 26-30 years, Dating | Sep 28, 2016

but then the anger can comes back maybe the next day. And then you're angry twice!!! Why not better stop being angry ASAP?
Male or Female, 26-30 years, Dating | Sep 28, 2016

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Now, always now. Never go to sleep on an argument!!!

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