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In a conflict or argument, do you prefer to resolve it now or resolve it later?

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Answered by 743 users

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Now, I hate things looming. But as long as we don't go to sleep angry I can handle letting you work it through.
If it's a serious argument that caused a fight, I need time to process because otherwise I get angry and say stupid shit.
Female, 36-40 years, Married | Mar 24, 2017

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I try to resolve everything fast ( i dont like the feeling there is a problem where there is always a solution)

resolve it later because i get so mad that i stay quiet and just want him to be closed to me without saying anything but he always walks away and leaves me alone which makes me more mad

Resolve it ASAP. If you let issues linger, it threatens the stability of the relationship.

mostly I prefer to resolve arguments before the night ends

I perfer to just resolve it now. no need to let it fester into something more.
Depends, but mostly fix it before its too late
Female, 26-30 years, Dating | Nov 22, 2016

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Resolverlo de una vez

Lo ideal es resolverlo al momento, si el animo se encuentra alterado esperar a tener la cabeza fria , pero jamas dejarlo para después o pretender que puedes arreglar un problema con regalos o sexo.

resolve it then or atleast talk about it
We are so alike! Resolve it there, rather than bottling up the emotions
Male or Female, 21-25 years, Dating | Jan 02, 2018

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Resolve it now. If you resolve it later or wait to try and resolve it you will spend all your time upset and it will only worsen the situation. It adds tension and unnecessary stress.


Particularmente prefiero resolverlo después. Pero cuando estoy en paz y me hacen molestar o me sacan de mi status quo, siento y pienso muchas cosas negativas, porque a mi me cuesta mantenerme en paz. Yo prefiero resolverlo después para sentirme más tranquilo; aunque algunas veces me da ganas de llorar de la impotencia por sentirme mal o por sentirme como un tonto.

Soy una persona muy impaciente, por lo que he preferido a lo largo de mi vida resolver esas discusiones al momento, pero muchas veces no he obtenido buenos resultados, seguramente porque mis emociones aún están a flor de piel; entonces, trato dentro de lo posible crear el hábito de "hablar después", así los ánimos merman un poco y las palabras que salen de nosotros son más sutiles y racionales, y menos volátiles.

pronto , las lecciones me an dejado que lo que dejó a despacito o lento arreglarse se puede volver muy tarde después

Resolve it now, I hate lingering or giving things time as a resolution. Let's take it head on and deal with out issues.

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